Our Memorial Day 2021 in the Hagner household was really not much different than any other weekend day for us… it was a day spent getting extra things done around the house. In the United States, we spend the day honoring those in our armed forces who have died while serving in the U.S. military. Those soldiers paid the ultimate sacrifice by laying down their lives in the name of honor and duty to protect the freedoms that so many of us hold so dear.
Memorial Day 2021 Video
I woke up this morning and felt compelled to create… but in a different way than normal. Instead of chalking pretty things, I created this video to honor all of those men and women on this Memorial Day weekend, and I wanted to share it with you.
As you celebrate the longer holiday weekend, please consider hanging up a flag, visiting a military cemetery or attending local memorial day services within your community. If you’d like to do more, please consider donating to a veterans organization. The DAV and the VFW are two wonderful organizations that come to mind.
Our freedoms in America were forged on the bravery of so many… especially the soldiers and there really aren’t words to express the gratitude I feel. To the fallen soldiers and their families and loved ones… thank you.